Linda Kuehl Candidate for Alternate As a Bajamar homeowner for 7 years, and currently the owner of two homes, one in each of the missions, I have been pleased to watch the current board work hard to create an atmosphere of inclusion, fairness and ethics.

I am eager to help this board and join in their work as an alternate.During my 40 year career as a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the US, I worked in organizations large and small, private and public, providing accounting expertise and management.

My areas of expertise included financial accounting controls, accounting department management and treasury management. These are all functions that every organization has and I believe my skills will serve me well as I join in the work of what is best for the members of our Association.I also have experience working with the homeowners association in my neighborhood in Washington state where I still have a home.

I was the Treasurer for our HOA for 12 years and understand the challenges that providing services on a voluntary basis can entail. I also understand the dynamics of managing an organization when the members are your neighbors.

I currently serve on the BHOA audit committee, and have been impressed with the work of the staff and Treasurer in providing complete and accurate statements. I was also impressed by the board’s openness to considering new policies and procedures, when I presented a proposal to modify the method of providing access to our swimming pools to short-term rental guests.

The new procedure, which was adopted, provided a better guest experience without sacrificing the control and security of our facilities. I thank you for your consideration and vote, and I look forward to serving you, my neighbor.