I live in Bajamar full-time and enjoy staying active by contributing to efforts that benefit our local community. In this pursuit, I currently serve on the Board of Directors for the Baja California Spay and Neuter Foundation, which last year alone held 57 free clinics, preventing an estimated 60,000 unwanted pups and kitties to be born homeless and left to roam our streets. I’m also a founding member of the Rotary Club of Bajamar, which played a key role in bringing the first-ever fire engine to Bajamar—something that was critically needed. Most recently, I was invited to join the Bajamar HOA Rules Review Committee, where we are working to address issues with the current association Design Rules and CCRs, as the latest revisions have been found to be unofficially registered and not always in compliance with Mexican law.

I am interested in serving as an alternate on the HOA Board because I am passionate about helping our community thrive. I want to be a positive force in ensuring that those in charge of our association stay focused on their fiduciary responsibilities.

At the heart of any community is the goal to make everyday life simple, safe, and joyful for all, and I want to do my part to ensure that Bajamar remains a paradise for everyone who calls it home. If you share this vision for our beloved Bajamar, please cast your vote for me!